Blog Archive

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

english word 1 st 2nd 187

The 3000 Most Commonly Used Words in the United States
The 1st and 2nd 100 Words
  1. about
  2. after
  3. again
  4. air
  5. all
  6. along
  7. also
  8. an
  9. and
  10. another
  11. any
  12. are
  13. around
  14. as
  15. at
  16. away
  17. back
  18. be
  19. because
  20. been
  21. before
  22. below
  23. between
  24. both
  25. but
  26. by
  27. came
  1. can
  2. come
  3. could
  4. day
  5. did
  6. different
  7. do
  8. does
  9. don't
  10. down
  11. each
  12. end
  13. even
  14. every
  15. few
  16. find
  17. first
  18. for
  19. found
  20. from
  21. get
  22. give
  23. go
  24. good
  25. great
  26. had
  27. has
  1. have
  2. he
  3. help
  4. her
  5. here
  6. him
  7. his
  8. home
  9. house
  10. how
  11. I
  12. if
  13. in
  14. into
  15. is
  16. it
  17. its
  18. just
  19. know
  20. large
  21. last
  22. left
  23. like
  24. line
  25. little
  26. long
  27. look
  1. made
  2. make
  3. man
  4. many
  5. may
  6. me
  7. men
  8. might
  9. more
  10. most
  11. Mr.
  12. must
  13. my
  14. name
  15. never
  16. new
  17. next
  18. no
  19. not
  20. now
  21. number
  22. of
  23. off
  24. old
  25. on
  26. one
  27. only
  1. or
  2. other
  3. our
  4. out
  5. over
  6. own
  7. part
  8. people
  9. place
  10. put
  11. read
  12. right
  13. said
  14. same
  15. saw
  16. say
  17. see
  18. she
  19. should
  20. show
  21. small
  22. so
  23. some
  24. something
  25. sound
  26. still
  27. such
  1. take
  2. tell
  3. than
  4. that
  5. the
  6. them
  7. then
  8. there
  9. these
  10. they
  11. thing
  12. think
  13. this
  14. those
  15. thought
  16. three
  17. through
  18. time
  19. to
  20. together
  21. too
  22. two
  23. under
  24. up
  25. us
  26. use
  27. very
  1. want
  2. water
  3. way
  4. we
  5. well
  6. went
  7. were
  8. what
  9. when
  10. where
  11. which
  12. while
  13. who
  14. why
  15. will
  16. with
  17. word
  18. work
  19. world
  20. would
  21. write
  22. year
  23. you
  24. your
  25. was

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